Top milking systems by MANOVAC – SCR equipped with Milk Meters and an Automatic Cluster Removal System


A modular system designed to increase the productivity of the unit, the performance of the animals and the profits it consists of high-tech components and software to meet the ever-growing demands in the milk market.

Advantages by the use of this system:

 Increased productivity,
 Decreased feeding costs,
 Decreased labour costs,
 Ability to select animals and improve the performance of the flock
 Improved management,
 It offers the chance to take decisions in real time (online)
 It allows to make groups of the animals that have similar feeding needs
 It facilitates the tests regarding the fertility of the animals
 Capital recovery in a short period of time
 The analysis that is based on each animal provides crucial information of the group and eventually the flock that contribute to better decisions in the short term and an improved strategic plan in the long term.
  It is possible to issue a pedigree in collaboration with the local Directions of Agriculture.

How productive are your sheep and goats?

Units with small ruminants are not often able to monitor every animal in the flock. The lack of crucial information prevents the stockbreeders from acting fast so that they could help the animals in need and take important managing decisions. All these factors may play a hindering effect in the productivity of the flock.

Opi Flow ™ Management

Το  Opi Flow ™ allows the stockbreeders to monitor the milk production in terms of each animal individually, of each group and of the flock in general.

Through Opi Flow ™ you can keep a record of any important information regarding the flock:

  • Fertility,
  • Vaccination,
  • Incidents having required vet care

 Automatic selection of data about the milk production, the electrical conductivity of milk and automatic identification of each animal
 Electronic data base for every animal in the flock.
 Complete management system, which analyzes the performance of each animal, its fertility, its health and the information about its lineage
 Warning for health problems in real time (online)
 Quick installation, easy-to-maintain, easy-to-use
 Measurement of the electrical conductivity of milk for each animal that provides a reliable warning in case of subclinical mastitis
 Variety of events
 Two-way communication channel – information in real time
 Compatible with any means of identification available in the market – outstanding accuracy
 It supports any type of data from the Institutes of Genetic Improvement and the public bodies (vet centres, directions of agriculture)
 Based on the Know-How and the experience of SCR

Εφαρμογή Ηλεκτρονικής Γαλακτομέτρησης